
Welcome to our new website! My name is Buster Stratton and I have been airbrushing since the mid 70’s. If you have work to be done on a vehicle or airboat or are interested in Canvas art for home or office then please contact us for a reasonable estimate of your request.

Automotive art

Custon Style Automotive art

Tailgates with clear begins at $750 depending on complexity of the artwork to be done.

All others done by quote Please call and leave message @(352) 690-3999

70% of the pictures below were done absolutely free hand not even a guide……


Airboat rudders airbushed to exacting measures average 14 day turnaround cost depending on artwork involved begins at $900 and includes clear coat. By appointment only!

Canvas Art

Custom wildlife art for home or office. Murals range in size from 16×20 upto the side of buildings.

24×36 “The Collector” commisioned air brushed painting $ 850

Children of the swamp
Children of the Swamp

Art requested by customer
